The Difference Between...
It's important to get to the bottom of what's going on with us and understanding the difference between states of being is crucial. When we know what's occurring we are able to seek out the best care for our unique situation.
Let me give you an example. I had a client who had an advanced degree in counseling and understood more about mental health than the average person. When the client came to see me, they reported symptoms of depression and other symptoms as well.
Once we were able to complete a brain map, we were better able to understand that the client had more anxiety than depression. The client was a little shocked by this. We spent some time processing why this might be. The client realized the current situation was causing feelings of sadness or depressed like symptoms but when the client went on vacation the depressed like symptoms went away. If the client had true physical depression, those negative feelings would have persisted even on vacation.
There's a difference between physical depression and emotional depression, and it's important to understand the difference. That's why I LOVE brain maps so much. They are a lot like an X-ray; they help us see what's happening on a deeper level. When we know more about what's happening, we are more likely to have better outcomes. And that's what we all want...better outcomes for a higher quality of life.